G-POT Primer Set Selection Tool, rev. Nov. 8, 2006 ==================================================== Description ----------- G-POT is a primer set selection tool that minimizes the number of primers needed to amplify a set of loci while ensuring that each locus is amplified by a pair of primers located within L basepairs of each other, where L is an input parameter. The tool is based the "potential function" greedy algorithm described in: K.M. Konwar, I.I. Mandoiu, A.C. Russell, and A.A. Shvartsman. Improved Algorithms for Multiplex PCR Primer Set Selection with Amplification Length Constraints, Proc. 3rd Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC), pp. 41-50, 2005. Building G-POT ------------- The G-POT package contains the source code for two executables: * g-pot, the primer selection algorithm * gen, a random instance generator used for testing To build the two executables execute the following commands in the directory where g-pot.1.0.tar.gz is located: tar -xzvf g-pot.1.0.tar.gz cd g-pot.1.0 make all After compiling the executables, make runs a regression test (assuming that awk is installed on your system) to verify that they work as expected. Upon completion of this test you should get the message "REGRESSION TEST SUCCESSFUL!!!" The code has been compiled and tested successfully on Gentoo Linux with gcc compiler version 3.3.5 and Red Hat 9 with gcc compiler version 3.3.1. Using G-POT ----------- G-POT is a command-line tool which by default reads from the standard input and prints the results to the standard output. Usage: g-pot [options] [< input_file] [> output_file] OPTIONS -plen N : primer length (default: 10) -prox N : minimum distance between primer and amplification locus (default: 0) -prodlen N : maximum product length (default: 1000) -max_melt_temp N : maximum primer temperature (default: none) -min_melt_temp N : maximum primer temperature (default: none) -min_gc N : minimum gc content of the primers (default: 0 %) -max_gc N : maximum gc content of the primers (default: 100 %) -salt_conc N : salt concentration in the reaction (default: 50 milimolar) -dna_conc N : dna concentration in the reaction (default: 50 nanomolar) Input Format ------------ The input file format for each line is where sequence1 and sequence2 are the 5'-3' sequences flanking the corresponding amplification target. See the included "sample_input" file for a sample. Output Format ------------- By default G-POT prints the results to the standard output. The output includes the parameters used for the program, the runtime, the number of selected primers, the number of covered targets, and the list of 5'-3' primer sequences including primer melting temperature and GC content. The output of the following command: ./g-pot -plen 17 -min_melt_temp 55 -max_melt_temp 60 -input sample_input can be found in file "sample_output". Using GEN ----------- The random sequence generator can be used as follows: ./gen [-m M] [-n N] [-seed S] where: * M is the number of amplification targets (default 10) * N is the length of the flanking sequences (default 10) * S is the random number generator seed (default 1) For example: ./gen -n 10 -m 5 -seed 4 would output < cgctacttta , agccggccgc > < tcgaggggac , cagggcagct > < agcaattcga , tggggacgat > < aagttgttaa , gctctgtaac > < ttttctgatc , cgcgaagtgg >