Edited Books & Proceedings:
I.I. Mandoiu and G. Narasimhan and Y.-Q. Zhang (Eds.), Proc. 5th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics vol. 5542, 2009, publisher url, bibtex
Journal Articles:
J. Duitama and D.M. Kumar and E. Hemphill and M. Khan and I.I. Mandoiu and C.E. Nelson, PrimerHunter: A Primer Design Tool for PCR-Based Virus Subtype Identification, Nucleic Acids Research 37, pp. 2483-2492, 2009, pdf preprint, publisher url, bibtex
J. Jun and I.I. Mandoiu and C.E. Nelson, Identification of mammalian orthologs using local synteny, BMC Genomics 10:630, 2009, pdf preprint, publisher url, bibtex
J. Jun and P. Ryvkin and E. Hemphill and I.I. Mandoiu and C.E. Nelson, The Birth of New Genes by RNA- and DNA-Mediated Duplication during Mammalian Evolution, Journal of Computational Biology 16, pp. 1429-1444, 2009, publisher url, bibtex
K. Apichonbancha and B. Dasgupta and J. Jun and I.I. Mandoiu and E. Mendonca , A Review of the Primer Approximation Multiplex PCR (PAMP) Technique for Detecting Large Scale Cancer Genomic Lesions, Current Bioinformatics 4, pp. 1-7, 2009, publisher url, bibtex
Conference Articles:
B. Pasaniuc and J. Kennedy and I.I. Mandoiu, Imputation-based local ancestry inference in admixed populations, Proc. 5th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications/2nd Workshop on Computational Issues in Genetic Epidemiology, pp. 221-233, 2009, pdf preprint, publisher url, ppt, bibtex
Technical Reports:
J. Kennedy and I.I. Mandoiu and B. Pasaniuc, GEDI: Scalable Algorithms for Genotype Error Detection and Imputation, Cornell University arXiv e-print, 0911.1765, 2009, url, bibtex
Ph.D. Theses:
J. Kennedy, Efficient Algorithms for SNP Genotype Data Analysis using Hidden Markov Models of Haplotype Diversity, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, Dec., 2009, pdf preprint, ppt, bibtex