ISBRA’09 Best Poster Award

The poster “Bioinformatics pipeline for detection of immunogenic cancer mutations by high throughput mRNA sequencing” (ppt, poster abstract) received the best poster award at ISBRA 2009. The poster presents a bioinformatics pipeline for detecting immunogenic cancer mutations from high throughput sequencing data. Immunogenic mutations predicted from Illumina mRNA reads generated from a mouse cancer tumor cell line are currently under experimental validation in the Srivastava lab at UCHC.

DIMACS Workshop on Computational Issues in Genetic Epidemiology

The 1st Workshop on Computational Issues in Genetic Epidemiology will be held on August 21-22, 2008 at the DIMACS Center of Rutgers University. The workshop brings together computer scientists, geneticists, and statisticians aiming to address current computational challenges in gene mapping, for details see the workshop program is available at Pre-registration deadline is August 14, 2008.

Bogdan graduates and starts post-doc at ICSI


Congratulations to Bogdan for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis on Scalable Algorithms for Analysis of Genomic Diversity Data! After getting married next month, he will start working as a post-doctoral scholar with the Algorithms group at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) in Berkeley, CA beginning in July.