Teaching and Other Educational Activities

Professional Service
School of Computing
College of Engineering
University of Connecticut
University of Connecticut
CSE3810/CSE6800, Computational Genomics, Spring 2024
CSE4095, Competitive Programming, Spring 2024
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2023
CSE3810/CSE6800, Computational Genomics, Spring 2023
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2022
CSE3100, Systems Programming, Spring 2022
CSE3810/CSE6800, Computational Genomics, Spring 2022
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2021
CSE3100, Systems Programming, Spring 2021
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2020
CSE3810/CSE6800, Computational Genomics, Spring 2020
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2019
CSE3810/CSE6800, Computational Genomics, Spring 2019
CSE3100, Systems Programming, Fall 2018
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2018
CSE3810/BME3810/CSE6800/BME6160, Computational Genomics, Spring 2017
CSE3100, Systems Programming, Fall 2016
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2016
CSE2100, Data Structures and Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2016
CSE3100, Systems Programming, Fall 2015
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2015
CSE2100, Data Structures and Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2015
CSE3810/BME3810/CSE6800/BME6160, Computational Genomics, Spring 2015
CSE4095, Introduction to System Programming, Fall 2014
CSE2100, Data Structures and Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2014
BME1401/CSE1401/MCB1401/PNB1401, Honors Core: Computational Molecular Biology, Spring 2014
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2013
BME1401/CSE1401/MCB1401/PNB1401, Honors Core: Computational Molecular Biology, Fall 2013
CSE2100, Data Structures and Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2013
CSE3810/BME3810/CSE6800/BME6160, Computational Genomics, Spring 2013
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2012
CSE2100, Data Structures and Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2012
BME1401/CSE1401/MCB1401/PNB1401, Honors Core: Computational Molecular Biology, Spring 2012
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2011
BME1401/CSE1401/MCB1401, Honors Core: Computational Molecular Biology, Fall 2011
CSE2100, Data Structures and Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2011
BME1401/CSE1401/MCB1401, Honors Core: Computational Molecular Biology, Spring 2011
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2010
BME1401/CSE1401/MCB1401, Honors Core: Computational Molecular Biology, Fall 2010
E2K Bioinformatics Tools Workshop, Summer 2009
BME1401/CSE1401/MCB1401, Honors Core: Computational Molecular Biology, Spring 2009
BME 4985/6160 & CSE 4095/6800: Computational Genomics, Spring 2009
BME1401/CSE1401/MCB1401, Honors Core: Computational Molecular Biology, Fall 2008
CSE3800/BME4800/CSE5800, Bioinformatics, Fall 2008
UCONN Programming Contest, April 20, 2008
CSE134: Data Structures and Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2008
BME 295/382 & CSE 298/478: Computational Genomics, Spring 2008
UCONN Programming Contest, Oct. 7, 2007
BME120/CSE120/MCB120, Honors Core: Computational Molecular Biology, Fall 2007
BME280/CSE277/CSE377, Bioinformatics, Fall 2007
E2K Bioinformatics Tools Workshop, Summer 2007
BME 295/382 & CSE 298/478: Computational Genomics, Spring 2007
UCONN Programming Contest, Sept. 30, 2006
CSE134: Data Structures and Introduction to Algorithms, Fall 2006
INTD198: Freshman Honors Seminar -- Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution, Fall 2006
BME280/CSE277/CSE377, Bioinformatics, Fall 2006
UCONN Programming Contest, Feb. 25, 2006
CSE134: Data Structures and Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2006
BME280/CSE277/CSE377, Bioinformatics, Spring 2006
ENGR100 Intro to Bioinformatics, Nov. 2005
UCONN Programming Contest, Oct. 2005
BME 295/300 & CSE 298/300: Computational Molecular Biology, Fall 2005
E2K Bioinformatics Tools Workshop, Summer 2005
BME280/CSE277, Bioinformatics, Spring 2005
UCONN Programming Contest, Oct. 2004
CSE243: Computer Architecture and Hardware/Software Interface, Fall 2004
E2K Gene Sleuthing Workshop, Summer 2004
CSE243: Computer Architecture and Hardware/Software Interface, Spring 2004
CSE300: Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Fall 2003
Georgia Institute of Technology
CS1050b: Understanding and Constructing Proofs, Spring 2001
CS3500a: Theory I, Fall 2000
CS3500a: Theory I, Spring 2000
CS1155: Understanding and constructing proofs, Summer 1999
CS3156c: Introduction to Automata Theory, Fall Qtr. 1998